What is an End Of Day and how do I perform one?

Written by 
Angela Durnin
 min read
What is an End Of Day and how do I perform one?

An End of Day will archive the current sales transactions and reset the till reports for the next day (Producing a daily financial report). It is very useful to help reconcile your accounts. Completing an End of Day report checks that transactions have been processed correctly and are not stored in the terminal, which could delay the funds being credited to your account.If an end of day is ignored for a long period of time, the till will eventually fill its memory with previous days/weeks/months sales which can slow the performance of the till down.You must have manager access to conduct an End of Day. Press:

  1. Function > Menu> Reports >
  2. Select End of Day, End of Week or End of Month
  3. Press Print & Reset > Confirm (after the report has printed)
  4. Confirm the report has been produced
  5. The end of day is now complete

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